Little Stick


Shadow Options palette

Open this palette by selecting "Shadow Options" in the Window menu.

Use this palette to customise the shadow and set the lighting conditions. For more control over lighting and shadows you need to use a 3D rendering package.

Shadow Options palette

Shadow calibrate button

Shadow intensity slider

Sun direction compass

Sun height slider

Ambient brightness slider

Shadow calibrate button

Click this button to calibrate the shadow intensity using a picture.

When adding a tree picture to another picture, it can be quite difficult to manually set the darkness of the shadow. Little Stick can do this job for you.

1.   In your image editing application select an area of the picture that has no shadow and save that area as a new picture.

2.   Select an area of the picture that is only shadow and save that area as a new picture.

3.   Generate your chosen tree in Little Stick and open the Shadow palette.

4.   Click on the calibrate button and open the two files created in steps 1 and 2.

5.   Little Stick then sets the trees shadow so that is is the same intensity as shadows in the picture.

Shadow intensity slider

Move this slider to set the darkness of the shadow.

The default shadow may be too dark or too light for you. Use this slider to change the shadows intensity. If you have a picture with shadows and you want the correct intensity, you can use the Calibrate button above.

Sun direction compass

Move the needle to set the direction that the Sun shines towards.

You can set the horizontal direction that the Sun shines towards by moving the compass needle to point that way.

For example, if the red point of the compass points East, then the Sun is shining from the West to the East.

Sun height slider

Move the slider to set the height of the Sun in the sky.

You can set the vertical direction that the Sun shines from. At midday the Sun is high. At dawn and dusk the Sun is low.

Ambient brightness slider

Move this slider to make the tree darker or lighter.

The light in Little Stick is split into two parts. They are ambient light and Sun light. The Sun light comes from the direction of the Sun and causes the shadow. This is also the reason one side of a tree trunk is darker than the other. The ambient light represents light that is reflected from other objects in the world. This light comes from all direction and contributes to the overall brightness of the tree. On a sunny day the ambient light from a snowy winter landscape is brighter than that from a green field.

Little Stick Copyright © 2006 Fenwick Cooper
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